Thursday 1 March 2012

Random facts about me

1 - I was continuously grounded every summer from my 13th birthday until my 16th birthday

2 - I got electrocuted FOUR times in one day

3 - According to my PPS card my name is LOUISE

4 - I once accidentally started a fight with ex-world heavyweight boxing champion Nigel Benn

5 - After volunteering to take part in a police line-up i was picked out TWICE

6 - I was once sacked on my day off

7 - I got so drunk while DJ'ing that i left,crossed the road and payed into a nightclub with two hours still to play

8 - I know every word in the first two back to the future movies

9 - I have a terrifying fear of dwarfs

10 - I landed a plane,flew a helicopter and drove a F3 racing car

11 - Ronan keating once said to me 'theres a terrible smell of jealousy off your breath' to which i replied 'theres a terrible smell of cock off yours' !!!

12 - I have scored a hat-trick in soccer,try in rugby,147 break in snooker and got a hole in one in golf but I have never been to Israel !!